We were given another assignment on the first day of class, another reason to question my decision to be a proactive student and try to earn college credit. We were to write what was called an "Occasional Paper", or OP, once every quarter. This OP had to be at least 500 words and could be written on any topic we desired, as long as it had a point and was not simply a narrative. We could write them at any point during the quarter. Once we had written them, we were required to read it in front of the class. Wonderful. On top of the endless list of books to read for this class and others, I had to come up with some topic out of thin air to write a paper on. Oh, and it was worth 50 points. Why oh why didn't I choose to be a slacker?!
Well, the first quarter went by, and I managed to crank out a less than interesting OP about my recent student trip to Africa. I did not give the paper much thought, as I was simply trying to conjure up a semi-well written paper to obtain my fifty points. The second quarter rolled around, and Winter Break was slowly approaching, aka OP deadline. One Saturday afternoon, inspiration struck while I was watching the news with my dad. There had been a debate on whether to call a tree in some governmental building a Christmas tree or a Holiday tree. After discussing it for a bit with my dad, I sat down to write the paper that more or less changed the course of my life.
I came into class the next Monday with my second quarter OP. I nervously got up in front of the class to present this paper that discussed the meaningless of political correctness and the cultural implications of the holiday season. Throughout my delivery, there were laughs, snorts, and other appreciated responses from my classmates. Once I finished, I received the customary applause from my peers and handed my paper in to the teacher. She held out her hand with a smile and encouragingly nodded her head, telling me that this OP would make a wonderful college essay.
Although I had been freaking out about the whole college process, I never fully thought about having to actually apply. Until now. I sat down in my desk thinking to myself, "What made this OP college essay-worthy?" I couldn't answer that question until my third quarter OP.
When I wrote my third quarter OP, I realized how much I truly enjoyed writing these. If nothing else, they are simply an instrument for me to express my most random thoughts in the way in which I express myself best, through my writing. My personality and voice through the written word are able to carry through to fully and comprehensibly convey what it is that I am thinking. I had found my niche.
Before I knew it, I was entering my senior year of high school. I was signed up for AP World Literature Year 2, and was hoping and praying that we would have to write more OPs. I had heard horror stories from other AP Lit classes whose teachers did not require them. Every day when I walked into my AP Lit class, I hoped and prayed that our teacher would introduce them to us again. My prayers were answered when our teacher told us that one a quarter, we were to stand up in front of the class to read a 500 word paper about whatever topic we choose. Hallelujah!
Those eight OPs I wrote during my last two years of high school gave me such joy. I never thought I would enjoy a school assignment as much as I did. When college application season finally approached, I listened to the advice of my junior year AP Lit teacher and used my second quarter OP as my college essay, and, well, I was pleased with the results. This essay gained me acceptance to the university which I currently attend where I am further pursuing a career in, essentially, writing OPs for the rest of my life. But until I am out in the real world as a real journalist, I thought I would try to write some more OPs. I mean, eight simply was not enough. So, here we are. I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I love writing them. Let me know what you think!
Cool. If I can't be your Facebook friend, at least I can read your blog!
ReplyDeleteQuite eloquent, my dear nerd. I'm interested to see what you come up with : )